Lorenzo Lalatta
Graphic artist, illustrator, and Web designer Lorenzo Lalatta lives and works in Parma, Italy. He discovered his love and talent for the illustrative arts at the early age of six, teaching himself to draw by copying comic strips. Throughout high school at the Liceo Scientifico in Parma and university at the European Institute of Design in Milan, he polished his skills. He was particularly inspired by the “ligne claire”, or clear line, style inspired by the work of Belgian comic artist Georges Remi (Hergé). Lorenzo has traveled extensively throughout Europe and spent three months touring the United States. He maintains his own website where you can view samples of his illustration and design pieces. Lorenzo does not profess to be a type designer — his only font to date is Orchestra. Although not a typeface in the strictest sense, Orchestra has a clear source in Latin letterforms wedded to Lorenzo’s “ligne claire” roots. In addition to design, comics, and travel, Lorenzo’s interests include photography, reading, jazz, and cooking.

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