Nick Sherman
Nick Sherman is a typo­grapher and typographic consultant based in New York City. As a graduate of the Type@Cooper Extended Program in typeface design at The Cooper Union, most of his work is split between designing typefaces and websites. He is a co-founder and designer of Fonts In Use. He is a member of the Adobe Typography Customer Advisory Board, as well as the artistic board for the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum. Previously, Nick has worked at Font Bureau, Webtype, and MyFonts, directing web design and promo­tional material for type­faces in print and digital media. He graduated with honors from the Graphic Design pro­gram at MassArt in Boston, where he has also taught under­graduate typography, typeface design, and letterpress printing. Some of his other projects include @VariableFonts, Size Calculator, Font‑To‑Width, Woodtyper, Pizza Rules!, Specimenism, and a personal photo journal featuring manhole covers, manicules, and more. Nick also parti­cipates in the Kaiju Big Battel live monster wrestling group. Originally from Cape Cod and Boston, he is also a skate­boarder, pizza enthusiast, printer, musician, and classic horror film buff.

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